Sacred Spaces - St Patrick's Well
I live on the Wirral, or in the Wirral or in Wirral depending upon your sense of geography. It's a small peninsular in the North West of England about 10 miles by seven; the River Dee separates us from the Roman city of Chester and the hills of North Wales; the River Mersey from the city of Liverpool and motorways Northwards. Out to the West, Liverpool Bay leads into the Irish Sea and across to Ireland herself. Theoretically, I am told, it's almost an island as two ship canals come to a point where you can step from one to the other but the transport links of motorways and trains seem to defy that particular definition. Across to the Welsh Hills The Wirral is still mostly suburban or countryside, originally part of a hunting forest that was planted in the 12th Century. It has been home to Roman, Saxon, Viking and Norman settlers. Pre-Roman it was home to a Celtic tribe called the Cornovii and there is evidence of Christian Celts from the the 5th and 6th Centu...
I do remember she was supposed to have come over to Wales from Ireland eons ago and she is the patron saint of hares because she protected one under her cloak when a Prince was hunting it and he was so moved by her courage that he gave her a whole valley to herself as a sanctuary.
It's a nice synchrony too as once of my posts today was about walking and meeting a rabbit- not a hare but near enough maybe :-))
Blessings :-))