Tipping Point
Palm Sunday Mark 11:1-10 Would n't it be lovely , just one year, not to have the ho rro r of Good Friday looming over this event? For some paradox of time to switch the end ing of the week to something less guilt - ridden . One of the hardest parts of the Gospel for me to read without shuddering a t what was going to happen ne xt. Ignatian Spirituality embraces the practice of imaginative meditation as well as contemplative prayer. Placing yourself in the Gospel can teach, heal and inspire. This year , the thoug ht occurs to me that Pope Francis may well be joining Jesus in having a Palm Sunday moment or two. For both of them, all t hat time in the desert, the m essage was being passed , believed, ignored , dismissed. Until the summo ning of the Spirit brings them out of the soul thirsting, dryness and the unending str u ggle of the d ar ken ed and dr y valleys of hopeless n...